Spring Home Maintenance To Do

I don’t want you to get too excited (because we live in Minnesota) but Spring is almost here. Which means now is a good time to plan your spring home maintenance projects. Tackling these projects now will help you get your home into tip top shape allowing you to enjoy the summer months ahead. Included are a few recommendations to get you started.

Garbage Disposal:   

   When was the last time you cleaned your garbage disposal? Have you ever sharpened the blades? Well, why not tackle both at the same time this weekend and help prolong the life of your disposal unit. Sharpening the blades sounds much more complex than it really is. But let's start by cleaning the unit. Pour ½ cup baking soda followed by a cup of vinegar into the unit. Once the bubbling has subsided, add a pot of boiling water and allow it to sit for 5 minutes, after which run cold water through to rinse out. 

  To sharpen the blades, begin by running the cold water, then turn on the garbage disposal, add ice cubes and allow it to run for 30 seconds. Yup, it’s just that simple. Adding lemon peel during this step will help get rid of any lingering smells

 Pro tip-. It is important to always run the water when the garbage disposal is in operation. 

Windows and doors:

  Let the sunlight shine through by cleaning the grime from your windows. Try making your own organic glass cleaner by adding 1½ cups of white vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil(helps cut down the smell of the vinegar) to a gallon of water. Spray the solution onto the glass and use a microfiber cloth or bunched up newspaper to wash the glass. Using a second microfibre cloth to rinse and shine the glass will really make them sparkle. 

 Pro tip- it’s best to tackle this on a cloudy day as the sun can heat up the window and cause streaking. 

Change air filters: 

  Chances are you’ve been breathing in the same old stale air which has been circulating throughout your home all winter long. Your air filter has been working hard doing its best to keep your air clean of dust and debris but even an air filter gets tired and needs to be replaced. Doing this will improve the air quality in your home and prolong the life of your HVAC unit not to mention how much healthier the air will be for your family.

 Pro tip- Take a look at your HVAC unit outside and ensure it is free of shrubs, weeds or any other debris which may compromise the efficiency of your unit. The harder it has to work, the shorter its lifespan will be.

Ceiling Fans:

  Summer is coming so it is time to change the direction the blades on your ceiling fan rotate. During the spring and summer months, fans should rotate in the direction that pushes the air downward, which feels cooler as it blows on your skin. 

 Pro Tip - For most fan models, downdraft happens when the blades rotate counterclockwise.

Fireplace Damper: 

  After the final fire of the season, don’t forget to close the damper on your fireplace. This helps prevent drafts, rain and critters from getting into your home and cuts down on energy costs

 Pro Tip-  If you leave the damper open during the warm summer months, you are wasting 400+ feet per minute of cooled air up the chimney. That means the air you are spending money to cool is escaping through your chimney. It can take just 4 hours to lose all your cooled air from your house resulting in your HVAC unit working much harder than it needs to, costing much more to cool your house while shorting the life expectancy of your unit. 


  After the last winter freeze, it’s important to check for leaks. Making sure all the water in your home is turned off, go to your water meter. If there is movement at your meter, you have a leak. A leak can be difficult to find but the usual culprits are toilets, outdoor spigots, irrigation systems and pipes in exterior walls which may have frozen during the winter months. 

 Pro tip- If you have a leak, fix it ASAP.  Fixing a leak can be relatively inexpensive but leaving it untreated can result in preventable costly repairs

Gutters and Roof: 

  Clogged gutters can damage your home's eaves and can cause water to overflow which inturn can compromise your home's foundation. So save yourself the headache and expense by ensuring your gutters are clog free. This is also the perfect time to clean your roof. Clear any leaves or debris from your roof and if you notice any moss building up, it’s time to give the roof surface a full clean. Moss, leaves and debris can greatly shorten the life expectancy of your roof's surface. Mix 50:50 of laundry strength chlorine bleach and water. Spray the solution onto the roof surface, Allow to sit for 15 minutes and then rinse thoroughly with low pressure water. 

 Pro tip- When rinsing, start at the top of the roof working down towards gutters. This will ensure that water does not lift or get under the shingles. 

Philip Kavanagh